Coming up very soon you have an important opportunity. An opportunity to let your voice be heard. Every voice matters and what you do does make a difference. That's right, you need to vote. For me.
This Friday I'll be on Studio 5 as one of 5 Sarah Palin look-alike finalists. After the show you'll go to their website and vote for your favorite candidate (me of course). I believe the winner will be announced on Monday. I'll post a link when they put up the photos.
So tune in Friday at 11:00 and watch me experience my 15 seconds of fame. Then Rock the Vote!
And also too I'd like to give a shout out to Sara L. and Ren W. who have been calling me "Tina" for years. And also too the great Guy Francis.
Do you think there will be a talent portion?
You have it IN THE BAG, I tell ya. ;-) But only if you wink.
Can you tape it for me? I'm helping with music at the Koop wedding on Friday and may not be done by then.
Best believe dat!!! Shoot you got my vote!
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd love to see you do a fancy pageant walk!
I second the Pageant Walk! How fun! I can't wait to see the show. You've won my vote for sure!
I'm totally going to record it so I can watch it! I never thought about it until I saw your picture, but you're a dead-ringer for Sarah Palin! Or, uh... Tina Fey... Or both. Whatever. You totally look like them both :D
- Keira Newren
I think the pageant walk would be awesome but a tap dance or maybe clogging portion would clinch it for sure.
I'll be walkin and winkin and wavin. And with your help, winnin!
well....it appears you've got the accent down!
Atta Girl!
Good Luck!
I think we oughta hit Nieman Marcus and Saks before you go onstage.
I'll also be recording it. Sister Pottymouth, you can totally come over and watch it. :)
So I've blogged about it twice, sent out two mass e-mails, and I even Twittered about it. Oh, and there's that facebook page, too. I've posted the link to the ballot everywhere I can think of.
Hands down you deserve to win by a landslide, but I figured I could help spread the word anyway. What are friends for?
*wink* *wink*
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