Sunday, May 20, 2007

More From My Kids

On Mother's Day my 6-year old daughter told me I had a beard and pointed to my upper lip. Thanks.

Today my 4-year old son asked if he could use gel to spike his hair. He wants the very edge fringe of his bangs to point directly forward--and don't touch it or you might mess it up! You have to understand that there are no precedents for males in this household using gel--Dad hardly has enough hair (in length, honey!) to hold any gel in, and my 12-year old son's idea of doing his hair is smashing it forward with his hand. At age 4 I already sense teenage issues coming...

And 2 questions in rapid succession from my 9-year old daughter...

"Mom, why do people itch?"
"Because they need to scratch." (Hey, I was busy doing Su Doku, okay?)
Sarcastically, "Oh. That was really helpful. I'm gonna go write that down."

"Mom, is it really true that farts are flammable?"
"Mmm hmmm." (Still doing Su Doku)
"So if you farted by a match, your bum would catch on fire?"
"Yep. That's called a blue dart."
"Wow. That's really weird."


LuckyRedHen said...

Let us know when we need to bring meals because your son is in the hospital with bum burns :o)

Sister Pottymouth said...

Just as long as he doesn't light your husband on fire after a nice bean dinner, I think you'll be okay.

My word verification is jrksew. Is that what I call myself after I sew through my finger?

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for something new.

Neighborhood watch said...

I know you must be really busy waxing your Upper lip but please give us something more. Like how awesome your yard looks with your new edging and marigolds. Or about how cool it is to recieve a bug as a gift from you neighbors kids. Something.

Anonymous said...

These pictures from Alaska are so fabulous! Glad you're having fun. I bet you wish I was there:)

Lorien Clark said...

I put my name in the google search and your site came up. I'm Lorien. Just wanted to say hi!