Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Money Matters with Max

(my 4 year old)

"Mom, how much dollars could buy a new house?"

"Mmm. Lots."

"Like a million?"

"Like two hundred thousand. Or more."

"Crack-a-doodle! [pause] Mom, do you know how much dollars could buy a light switch?"

"Like, one?"

"No. Three."


Bek said...

I love your kid stories. Are you teasing us with these two posts? Are you going to disappear again?


LuckyRedHen said...

Three light switches or three dollars? Kids are hilarious. Piper's been using B or P for F or TH so she's been saying, "I pink I can, I pink I can" and "My beet are cold." Kids.

The Dally Llama said...

If she's getting those letters confused with each other, you really should take the time now to lay down the ground rules about whose presence she is allowed to talk about hockey, or deer hunting in. Otherwise, it's going to produce an embarassing situation or two.

Lorien said...

oh, I get it. like puck and buck. took me a minute.

The best was when Calvin at age 2 yelled--while exiting the church on Sunday--"Daddy truck!!" He didn't have the "tr" sound down yet...

The Dally Llama said...

I was going for a little more subtlety than that though, considering that your kids probably look at this blog and all.

--Because I'm all about subtlety, after all...

dalene said...

My worst mom moment was a full-volume "I hate Jesus" from one of my youngest--right in the middle of the most quiet part of sacrament meeting.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Just ask Lesleigh how much a light switch costs. You'd think it would be only a buck (or three). But not when you own an old house. You have to replace the wiring, the plate, and stuff you had no idea was connected to a simple light switch.


willus said...

Your story checks out. It took me a while to find a lightswitch for a buck, but at i found one for 59 cents. Lo, you are like a hardware store...Lo, Lowe.....erie.