Monday, March 06, 2006

Spring Is In the Air

You might not think so, but I know it is because my three-year-old son has already peed outside twice in the last week. That I know of. At Grandma’s house the other day, he came moseying on into the house and said casually, “I peed in the flower holder.” I took a slow breath and calmly asked where exactly it was that he peed. He explained that it was in the flower holder (read flower pot) outside on Grandma’s porch. Then he and his dad had a nice man-to-man moment while he showed his dad precisely where. And how. Apparently the pot was just the right height. Then the next day, he came into Grandma’s house again and told us he peed in the bush. Somehow the time-outs and multiple discussions about peeing only in toilets aren’t registering. I’m trying to be calm and not overreact about this, but really! Maybe all you men out there can explain this to me. Why the fascination? Is it because it’s so convenient? Enjoyable? Freeing? Or just because you can? I don’t get it. It’s going to be a long summer around here. And it’s only March.

A few minutes ago he walked into the room and announced that he has hot pee. This is how my 5-year-old daughter has described a bladder infection, so when I asked, “You have hot pee?” I expected to hear more about pain or problems on the potty. Instead he explained that he peed on his finger for a long time and it was hot. Investigating his sister's claims, I suppose. Arrrgh! What am I going to do with my son and his “peanut”? If any of you know how to keep little boys from making their mark on the world, will you please let me know?


Bek said...

I have no idea (mine is still too small) but I am SO GLAD there is a new post and will read the suggestions with glee!!

dalene said...

Well, well, well. I always just thought it was a result of bad parenting on my part. But if your kid is doing it too...

As for suggestions. Those in Julie's recent blog would work, although they may be a little extreme. I think patience is the answer. Eventually they start to realize the neighbors can see through chainlink fence and they'll stop. At least until they are old enough for scout camp. At that point it becomes sort of a "don't ask, don't tell" kind of thing.

Until then, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Our soil here is so alkaline, I think a little uric acid might do it some good, don't you think?

Sister Pottymouth said...

No advice here, although I can tell you what happens to plum trees after 4 little boys use it as their outdoor urinal. Just ask my dad what happened to the plum tree that used to be in his garden behind the shed.

wendysue said...

Lo, since I have all girls I have no advice, but I was remembering a Supernanny that was about a little boy that REFUSED to pee inside. He would scream and scream until his mom let him outside to pee, so she created this little jungle area around the toilet, plants, greenery, everything. I think he finally figured that it was ok to pee inside but I think you're right, maybe it's just the cave man in him coming out. . .must mark territory. . .arg.

JandB said...

I'm pretty sure every boy pees outside. Don't him to grow out of it anytime soon. My brothers all used to pee in the "pee-corner" in our sideyard (not on your side) for who knows how long. But since i remember it and my brothers are more than 5 years older than me...

Lisa said...

Oh, little boys! I have no advice other than --if it's not in the house (ie on the carpet, BESIDE the toliet), it's all good!

JandB said...

you seem like you know about this blogging thing. i wanted to know how you put links on your page. I've been trying to put some links on the side of my blog and i guess i'm just too computer illiterate.

by the way, i work every weekday lunch and weekend nights.

Lorien said...

I think y'all probably have it figured's not a huge deal, and it certainly is better than using the carpet or some other creative place in the house. I guess if I can just keep him contained to the back yard, and avoid peeing with Neighborhood Watch's daughters, I'll be doing alright. That and keep it to #1, and not do the #2 thing again.

Becks, you might be sharing too much about the pee corner. I don't know if I can look at Mat6t the same....

And I'd be happy to share my blog page wisdom with you. Actually, it's Guy's wisdom, but he shares. We could have Superblog Sunday. Whaddaya think?

dalene said...

Can I come, too?

Lorien said...

Sure! You bring the chips and whatever else might crumble and fall into Guy's keyboard. He'll love it!

The Dally Llama said...

Allow me to offer a male perspective. No justification is needed whatsoever. In law, there's a commonly used Latin phrase that summs it all up: "res ipsa loquitur," which means, "the thing speaks for itself." There is no need to explain the attraction of wizzing outside; you're wizzing outside, man! If you can't understand it from that, you never will.

Lorien said...

And does this also hold for wizzing on things as well?

The Dally Llama said...

Res ipsa loquitur, Lo. Res ipsa loquitur.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Tell the truth, Lorien. After your nursing experience, can't you understand even a tiny bit why boys like to go wizzers outside? (hee hee)

dalene said...

Obviously there is a story here that I have missed out on. Do tell!

BrianJ said...

My best advice is to do exactly what I have done:

Have girls, NOT boys.

The Dally Llama said...

Or you could try running an electrical current through likely targets.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Ah, the famous "Pee and Flee" method, employed by some friends of ours to protect their precious bush from a neighborhood dog notorious for having wanderlust. They put a metal barricade in front of the bush and juiced it up with a bit of electricity. Next time the dog came by to leave his mark on the world, he got quite the shock in his nether regions. I don't think he came back again.

So my point is, although the Pee and Flee works for dogs, it's probably not a good thing to do to your kid (or the neighbor's kid, for that matter), even if your little brother recommends it. ;-) (That emoticon was just for you, Dally Llama. I know how much you like stuff like that.)

The Dally Llama said...

Pee and flee? I'm not sure that's the best name for that. Pee and flee sounds more like something akin to the flaming paper bag trick.