Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mom Pockets

I'm sure most of you, my lady friends, have a pair of mom jeans lurking somewhere in your closet. Except for my sister-in-law Anne. She probably doesn't own any mom jeans. But she's not a mom yet, so I'll give her time. I have a pair of mom jeans I try to only wear around the house, although occasionally they may venture out on an errand with me when I'm behind (pun intended) on the laundry. They aren't attractive, but really, how many people am I trying to impress while I wash toilets, do laundry and vaccuum?

But this is about mom pockets, not mom jeans. At the end of the day as I crawl out of my clothes (mom jeans or no), I empty out my pockets. I am often surprised at what I find. Crayons, legos and other small toys, hair elastics, and pieces of garbage are not uncommon. Today I thought I'd report the contents of my mom pockets.

3 used dryer sheets (finishing up Monday laundry day on Tuesday)
2 hair elastics, black (I'm surprised this count was so low--sometimes it's as many as 5 or 6)
1 piece of halloween bubble gum--unchewed (confiscated after trying to clean gum off the sofa today and now being chewed by me while blogging)
1 chapstick (I actually started out the day with this and it's going back into the pocket)
1 office clip, black
1 wadded 1/3 sheet (canary) note from school about the lights-on ceremony last night (and what a ceremony it turned out to be)
1 kleenex (partially used and going back into my pocket with the chapstick)
2 bobby pins, black
2 more hair elastics I didn't see before, brown and fuschia (that's more like it)
1 piece of pocket lint string
2 ripped out ads from today's K-mart mailing (Christmas gift ideas)
no money (paper nor coin)

I am sometimes very surprised at what I pull out of my pockets. I almost don't remember putting some of it in there in the first place. When I sort through these treasures, I start feeling like some kind of traveling trash can or storage system. There are days when they are downright bulky. Heaven only knows my pants don't need more bulk. Maybe I should start tucking things into my pockets in a more systematic way--trash in the left front pocket, chapstick and tissue in the right front, and the other various items in the back pockets. Then the pockets in the jacket I wear around in the cool seasons will need their own organizational strategy, too. But knowing me, I'll forget which pocket is for what stuff. Do I label them? Mom jeans with pocket labels. Now there's something. Motherhood is so glam.


wendysue said...

I had to laugh at the pony tail elastics. . I end up wearing them like a bracelet as I pick them up and sometimes it feels like they're up to my elbow by the time I unload them.

One thing I do love about pulling out the winter coats is what I find in the pockets. . .sometimes some cash, usually just shopping lists, old gum. . .

dalene said...

Yeah, it's always good to separate the trash from things you intend to eventually put in your mouth.

I love Mom Pockets! Great post!

JandB said...

this is something i get to look forward too! i actually already put almost all the little pieces of trash i find in my pockets right now. maybe i'll start a system with my pockets now so that when i have kids i'll have the system mastered. meh...high hopes, but i doubt i'll do that. i'm not super mom yet.

Lisa said...

I was really expecting a picture of you wearing these jeans as I scrolled down. I'm really disappointed to find NONE.

I always have: leggos, hair bands (I wear them like bracelets, too, wendysue!), bits of torn stickers, and polly pocket clothes.

Carina said...

I don't have mom pockets right now (maternity jeans: no pockets,) but I do have a mom purse:
3 matchbox cars
1 happymeal-type car
1 baggie cereal
1 baggie raisin/craisin mix
2 markers
1 baggie crayons
1/2 cookie from who knows when
1 sock
2 dinosaurs
1 ponytail holder--but it's mine 'cause I'm the only chick around here.

(and a USB cable--shout out to the techies!)

Ms. Julie said...

I started to comment, and found it getting so long, I had to make my own blog entry. :)

LuckyRedHen said...

HOW do you fit all that stuff in your tiny little pants?

sue-donym said...

Azucar - I think that USB cale is your security blanket. I have yet to see you when you didn't have it.

Carina said...

I got stuff I gotta sync.

I also have memory cards and the occasional flash drive.

Sammie said...

and i thought I had lots of stuff in my pockets...

Sister Pottymouth said...

Ah....now I understand the comment you made to me the other day about Mom pockets. I'm just a bit slow here. Of course, I'm out of the habit of checking your blog because it's been SOOOO LONG since you posted anything. Sheesh.

I'm with Azucar. My purse is my Mom pocket. But it's not because I'm pregnant.

Lorien said...

you're pregnant? congrats. heh.

yeay for techies! Oh, by the way, I've lost my flash drive. have you seen it in any of your pockets, Carina?

and thanks for calling my pants little. I need an ego boost. I stood on the scales today and they confirmed it: the reason I had to upsize the pants this season was NOT because my dryer is too hot.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I do this same thing and am amazed at what I find! The worst thing to put in there an forget about though have to be thumbtacks!!!!! I don't know where they all come from because when I need one there certainly is never any around but when picking up in the kids rooms I always end up with several in my pockets. LOL. Then I forget about them and when I sit down they poke me!!!!! Owwww!!